NASA' nın Roswell Olayını Doğrulayan Belgeleri
Daha önceki yayınladığımız FBI raporlarında UFO'ların varlığını kanıtlamıştık. Şimdi yayınlayacağımız NASA raporunda ise 1947 yılında ABD' nin New Mexico eyaletine düşen UFO'ları ve UFO'lardan ele geçirilen dünya dışı canlıların gerçek olduğunu kanıtlıyoruz.
NASA' nın 2009 yılında yayınladığı raporda dikkat çeken bir çok durum bulunmaktadır. Bizler raporun tüm detayıyla analizini yaparak buradan önemli durumları sizlere aktaracağız. Öncelikle ABD Hava Kuvvetleri'nin SSCB'ye karşı 'hava balonu' yaparak bir takım bilgi sızdırma operasyonu, diye yutturmaya kalktığı Roswell olayı belgeden de anlaşılacağı üzere bütünüyle gerçektir.
New Mexico eyalet meclisinde görevli vekillerin olayın aydınlatılması için sürdürdükleri çabalar, olayın dooğruluğunu kanıtlamak isteyen bilim adamları, olayın görgü tanıkları, olay yerinde elde edilen teknolojik parçacıklar raporda bütünüyle yazılmaktadır.
Olay bölgesinde yaşanılanları anlatmamaları için halka yapılan baskılar, ABD Hava Kuvvetleri' nde çalışan personellerin olaydan sonra bir bir yokoluşu enteresan durumlar olarak göze çarpıyor. Fakat NASA' nın 2009 yılında Roswell olayını rapor halinde kendi iç bünyesine sunmasını da çok manidar buluyoruz.
Şunu kesin olarak söyleyebiliriz ki, oluşturulan dosya ile 1947 yılında Roswell'e UFO düştüğü yadsınamaz bir gerçektir. UFO'dan elde edilen metal parçalar, dünya dışı canlılar ve bilimsel güçler ABD'yi olayın gizli kalmasına itmiştir. Fakat işin peşini bırakmayan kişilerin usta çabaları ile olay ifşa olmuş, NASA raporlarına dek uzanmıştır.
NASA, olayı ne kadar önemsediğini bu belge ile tüm dünyaya deklare etmiş oluyor. Ayrıca 2009 yılında bile halen olayı inkar edebileceğini sanıyor. Fakat oluşturduğu belge ile kendi kendisini ele vermiş durumda. UFO'larla ve Dünya Dışı Yaşamla tanışacağımız günlerin yaklaştığını düşünürsek NASA' nın bu paniğinin neden olduğunu rahatlıkla anlayabiliriz.
Aşşağıda raporun linkini sizlere sunıyoruz. Ayrıca rapordan bir bölümde oluşturduğumuz dosyada yer almaktadır.
July 1994
The "Roswell Incident" refers to an event that
supposedly happened in July, 1947, wherein the Army Air
Forces (AAF) allegedly recovered remains of a crashed
"flying disc" near Roswell, New Mexico. In February,
1994, the General Accounting Office (GAO), acting on the
request of a New Mexico Congressman, initiated an audit
to attempt to locate records of such an incident and to
determine if records regarding it were properly handled.
Although the GAO effort was to look at a number of
government agencies, the apparent focus was on the Air
Force. SAF/AAZ , as the Central Point of Contact for the
GAO in this matter, initiated a systematic search of
current Air Force offices as well as numerous archives
and records centers that might help explain this matter.
Research revealed that the "Roswell Incident" was not
even considered a UFO event until the 1978-1980 time
frame. Prior to that, the incident was dismissed because
the AAF originally identified the debris recovered as
being that of a weather balloon. Subsequently, various
authors wrote a number of books claiming that, not only
was debris from an alien spacecraft recovered, but also
the bodies of the craft's alien occupants. These claims
continue to evolve today and the Air Force is now
routinely accused of engaging in a "cover-up" of this
supposed event.
The research located no records at existing Air Force
offices that indicated any "cover-up" by the USAF or any
indication of such a recovery. Consequently, efforts
were intensified by Air Force researchers at numerous
locations where records for the period in question were
stored. The records reviewed did not reveal any increase
in operations, security, or any other activity in July,
1947, that indicated any such unusual event may have
occurred. Records were located and thoroughly explored
concerning a then-TOP SECRET balloon project, designed
to attempt to monitor Soviet nuclear tests, known as
Project Mogul. Additionally, several surviving project
personnel were located and interviewed, as was the only
surviving person who recovered debris from the original
Roswell site in 1947, and the former officer who
initially identified the wreckage as a balloon.
Comparison of all informat~on developed or obtained
indicated that the material recovered near Roswell was
consistent with a balloon device and most likely from
one of the Mogul balloons that had not been previously
recovered. Air Force research efforts did not disclose
any records of the recovery of any "alien" bodies or
extraterrestrial materials.
Air Force involvement in the alleged UFO-related
incident popularly known as the "Roswell Incident" began
as the result of a January 14, 1994, Washington Post
article (Atch 1) which announced Congressman Steven
Schiff's intent to initiate a General Accounting Office
(GAO) effort to resolve this controversial matter.
Having previously been involved in numerous Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) and Congressional requests on
"unusual aircraft," to include Unidentified Flying
Objects (UFOs), The Director, Security and Special
Program Oversight, Office of the Secretary of the Air
Force, (SAF/AAZ) believed the Air Force would become
involved in any GAO effort involving this subject.
Thus, in late January, 1994, SAF/AAZ directed its
research/declassification team, SAF/AAZD, to attempt to
locate any official records relative to this matter.
These initial research efforts focused on records at the
Air Force Historical Research Agency (AFHRA), Maxwell
AFB, AL, the Air Force Safety Agency (AFSA) at Kirtland
AFB, NM, and the National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA).
On February 15, 1994, the GAO officially notified
Secretary of Defense William J. Perry that, it was
initiating an audit of the Department of Defense (DoD)
policies and procedures for acquiring, classifying,
retaining, and disposing of official government
documents dealing with weather balloon, aircraft, and
similar crash incidents (Atch 2). This notification was
sub- sequently passed to the Department of Defense
Inspector General who in turn officially notified the
Secretaries of the Services and other affected parties
of the audit in a February 23, 1994, memo (Atch 3). This
memorandum indicated that the "GAO is anxious to respond
to Representative Schiff's request and to dispel any
concerns that the DoD is being unresponsive." These were
the first official US Government documents that
indicated that the purpose of the GAO was to review
"crash incidents involving weather balloons and unknown
aircraft, such as UFOs and foreign aircraft, and (2) the
facts involving the reported crash of an UFO in 1949
(sic, 1947) at Roswell, New Mexico .•. (and an) alleged
DoD cover-up."
An entrance meeting of potentially concerned parties was
held in the offices of the DoD Inspector General on
February 28, 1994. During this meeting it was learned
that, while the audit officially would be reviewing the
records of a number of DoD (and possibly other Executive
Branch entities), the bulk of the effort would be
focused on Air Force records and systems. The audit was
officially given the GAO code 701034, and entitled
"Records Management Procedures Dealing With Weather
Balloon, Unknown Aircraft, and Similar Crash Incidents."
Although this official title appeared rather broad,
there was no misunderstanding that the real purpose was
to attempt to locate records and/or information on the
"Roswell Incident." This incident, explained later in
more detail, generally dealt with the claim that in July
of 1947, the US Army Air Forces (USAAF) recovered a
flying saucer and lor its alien occupants which
supposedly crashed near Roswell, New Mexico. When the
USAAF ultimately became the United States Air Force
(USAF) in September, 1947, the USAF inherited equipment,
personnel, records, policies, and procedures from the
AAF. In this particular case, the Air Force also
inherited the allegation that it had "covered up" the
"Roswell Incident" and has continued to do so for the
next 47 years.
Within the Air Force, the Office of the Administrative
Assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force (SAF/AA) is
responsible both for information manaqement procedures
(SAF/AAI) and security policy and oversiqht (SAF/AAZ).
Because of this orqanization, SAF/AA was the loqical
entity to assist the GAO in its audit and SAF/AAZ was
officially named as the Central Point of Contact for
this endeavor (Atch 4). Subsequently, the then
Administrative Assistant, Mr. Robert J. McCormick,
issued a taskinq memorandum dated March 1, 199~ (Atch
5), to a number of current Air Staff and Secretariat
offices that miqht possibly have records related to such
an incident if, indeed, somethinq had actually occurred.
This search for records was purposely limited to Air
Force records and systems since:
(a) The Air Force had no authority to compel other
aqencies to review their records;
(b) The Air Force would have no way to monitor the
completeness of their efforts if they did; and
(c) the overall effort was the task and responsibility
of the GAO--not the Air Force.
Durinq the in-briefinq process with GAO, it was learned
that this audit was, indeed, qenerated at the specific
request of Conqressman Steven Schiff of New Mexico.
Earlier, Conqressman Schiff had written to the
Department of Defense Leqislative Liaison Office for
information on the "Roswell Incident" and had been
advised that it was part of the former UFO "Project
Bluebook" that had previously been turned over to NARA
by the Air Force. Conqressman Schiff subsequently
learned from NARA that, althouqh they did, indeed, have
the "Bluebook" materials, the "Roswell Incident" was not
part of that report. Conqressman Schiff, apparently
perceivinq that he had been "stonewalled" by the DoD,
then qenerated the request for the aforementioned aUdit.
It is within this context that the followinq research
and assistance efforts were conducted in support of the
GAO. This report is intended to stand as the final
official Air Force response reqardinq this matter.
IN 1947
The modern preoccupation with what ultimately came to be
called Unidentified Flyinq Objects (UFOs) actually.beqan
in June, 1947. Althouqh some pro-UFO researchers arque
that siqhtinqs of UFOs qo back to Biblical times, most
researchers wil~ not dispute that anythinq in UFO
history can compare with the phenomenon that beqan in
1947. What was later characterized as "the UFO Wave of
1947" beqan with 16 alleqed siqhtinqs that occurred
between May 17 and July 12, 1947, (a1thouqh some
researchers claim there were as many as 800 siqhtinqs
durinq that period). Interestinqly, the "Roswell
Incident" was not considered one of these 1947 events
until the 1978-1980 time frame. There is no dispute,
however, that somethinq happened near Roswell in July,
1947, since it was reported in a number of contemporary
newspaper articles; the most famous of which were the
July 8 and July 9 editions of the Roswell Daily Record.
The July 8 edition reported "RAAF Captures Flying Saucer
On Ranch In Roswell Region," while the next day's
edition reported, "Ramey Empties Roswell Saucer" and
"Harassed Rancher Who Located 'Saucer' Sorry He Told
About It."
(raporun devamını ilgili linkten okuyabilirsiniz....)
ufolarla tanismakmi ben
ufolarla tanismakmi ben inanmiyorum boyle bir teoriye,oyle olsaydi bu bin yillar once olurdu cok insanoglundan aklinizin alamayacagi kadar %900000 daha zekiler bu gercek yok boyle bir sacmalik kaynak guzel ama teoriler yanlis bana gore
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Umarım yeni yılda tüm hükümetler ufolarla ilgili olarak ellerinde tuttukları bilgi ve belgeleri açıklarlar.
Dünyayı ve insanlığı ilgilendiren böyle önemli olayların artık saklanmaması dileğiyle.
Bu belgelerin çok önemli olduğu kesin. Türkiyede'de böyle raporlar mutlaka tutuluyordur. Acaba bu belgeleri açıklarlar mı? Lord bu kopnuda çalışmalarınız var mı? Bu merakımı giderirseniz sevinirim. Tekrar iyi seneler.
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bingo! işte bende bunu
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Bu aşağıdaki filmi
Bu aşağıdaki filmi ( Roswell (1994) ) izlemek istiyorum! Yaklaşık 1 senedir aramam rağmen free bulamadım! Eğer filmin linki verecek arkadaşlar olursa çok minnettar olurum
neyi okuyacaz herşey
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tebrikler süper araştırma.
tebrikler süper araştırma. içimizde hala belge neyi ispatlarki diyenler olacaktır.bizler okumaktan ziyade görmeye şartlanmış yaratıklarız.olsun görmeninde(video dışında) sırası gelecektir. lord çalışmalarının devamını 4gözle bekliyorum.